Judith Sharkey looked up from her black coffee and AutoCAD whilst studying Architecture at Monash and thought “iko.la”, to herself. A passion project that doesn’t signify much of anything just two sleep-deprived syllables for creativity, iko.la has included many collaborations with family, friends, and artists, and is a fashion brand that focuses on self-expression, sustainable practice, and blurring gender norms. Flash forward a few years, Judith now studies Bachelor of Fashion Design at RMIT and works within Melbourne (Australia) and surrounding suburbs and still drinks black coffee for all of her best ideas:
2024 International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI) EWHA Fashion Film Award Finalist.
2023 Melbourne Fashion Week Student Runway Designer.
2023 Redress Sustainability Fashion Design Pathway Course.
2021 Intern & Seamstress with Sschafer
2019 Intern for Anna Cordell Clothing
2019 Emily McPherson Award: Certification of Recognition for Material Thinking
Editor at Urbia 1 & 2